Sunday, December 7, 2008

Huffington Post

Last week on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Anna Huffington (of the Huffington Post) was a guest. She was talking about a new book, the Huffington Post guide to blogging. It was interesting to hear her perspective on the practice and Jon Stewart's reactions. She said that one should blog about a topic that they are passionate about. Blogs should be like drafts of essays, not final copies. She challenged Jon Stewart to start a blog and he responded that he already had a TV show to express his opinions! They proceeded to have a discussion about the idea of filtering thoughts while blogging. Huffington's stance was that blogging should be a fluid process, one should just write and revise later. I know for myself that I prefert to think about what I'm going to write before I actually start typing. I find the practice of blogging difficult for that reason. I have a similar apporach to writing music - I think about a piece first, then try to play what I hear in my head. My approach to blogging is that I only want to post something if it might have some use to someone else - practically or philosophically.
I have been working on my website so frequently lately that it has been consuming much of my time and my blog gets neglected. Most recently I have been learning more about photoshop and experiencing how powerful it is. There are some great resources on the web that walk you through how to use the different functions of the program. My most recent application is on my nyu homepage, I made buttons with plasticene - however the problem is that the 3D quality of the platicene does not really appear - so despite that fact that it took a day to do that, I think I'm going to scrap that idea and try something else.

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